Rules are different for boys

19 Nov

The ex husband has a new girlfriend. I am very pleased for him – truly.  It has been nine years and about time he found someone and settled down. Not that I have, but that is another matter. He is the sort of man who needs to have someone darn his socks and roast him chickens for supper. I was never much good at either so it is unsurprising that we never made it past seven years (well, that and a million other reasons.) Sometimes marriages just don’t work, despite your best intentions. So when the children said they thought it was okay for daddy to have a new girlfriend, but absolutely not not okay for me to have a boyfriend, I did have to quiz them. After all, why one rule for him and another for me?

“We live with you,” said child number one. “And we don’t want some man in a dressing gown in our kitchen eating chocolate croissants.”

“We don’t eat chocolate croissants,” I replied.

Child number one rolled his eyes. “You know what I mean,” he said. “The dressing gown bit.”


“And anyway,” added off-spring number two. “Why on earth would you need one of those.”

“One of what?”

“A boyfriend. You always say you have too much to do. You don’t have time for a boyfriend.”

Double oh.

On reflection, perhaps I am not quite ready to introduce the boyfriend of four years just yet.

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